Monday, January 21, 2013

A Person is a Person... No Matter How Small

We've all read or seen the classic Dr. Seuss story, "Horton Hears a Who".  Did you know that it is also a beautiful message about the value of life?  In doing some research for this project I discovered an idea to use the movie as the basis for a lesson.

I began this lesson by showing the classic "Horton Hears a Who" movie.  It is 26 minutes long.  We focused on the line in the movie that says "A person is a person, no matter how small".  God made each and everyone one of us as a unique and amazing creation.  We can't deny his handiwork!  We talked about how we all start as a tiny dot inside our mommy's tummy.  (I had planned to show the kids slides of the development of a baby in utero, but I had technical difficulties.) 

I explained to the children that sometimes moms don't think they can take care of their babies, or don't want to.  Life Centers is there to offer the support & counseling a mom needs to face the challenges and difficult decisions surrounding an unplanned pregnancy.  Life Centers shows them the value of the life growing inside them, and shows them the value of their own life in the eyes of Jesus.

As a church we support our local Life Center . We believe in the mission of this ministry and try to find different ways throughout the year to support them.  This project is a great way for kids to get involved in supporting Life Centers. 

At Life Centers they provide new moms with diapers, clothes, toys, etc.  They like to have something nicer than a plastic grocery bag for the women to carry the items home in.  We decorated large gift bags to donate to Life Centers.

I let them use their imagination in decorating.  They wrote verses, or "A Person is a Person...", whatever they wanted.  Anything they could think of to bring a smile to a troubled mom's face.
They did a great job!  Life Centers was so happy to receive our bags, and we plan to do this project again in the near future.
If you would like to locate a Life Center (or related organization) in your area visit Option Line.  This is a resource recommended by Focus on the Family.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
 your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14

1 comment:

  1. I love this book! Awesome to see you blogging Mandy. I just branched out on my own this week. I'll still guest blog on But I now officially have my own - so fun!
