Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Never Say Never

Once again I find myself doing something I said I would NEVER do. The list of things I said I would never do, but have done keeps getting longer somehow! I didn't think there could possibly be anything in my life worth blogging about.  Recently, I felt God prompting me to write this blog. Ok, God!

My goal in life is to be the servant God wants me to be.  I want to inspire others, especially children, to shine in the world around us.  What is the best way to do that?  To be the hands & feet of Jesus!  But, how?

A few years ago I was asked to be the VBS director for our church.  I was excited to take on a new challenge.  As I looked through all the different curriculum options I saw that they all had one thing in common: crafts. While I enjoy being crafty, I really dislike "kids" crafts! I remember one craft in particular from my days in VBS as a child.  We glued uncooked shell noodles onto light switch plates and spray painted them gold.  What was the lesson behind that?  I have no idea!  And that is the problem I have with "kids" crafts.  They are usually just time fillers with no real lesson.

As I looked through the curriculum, one VBS program stood out to me because it had an alternative option to crafts - service projects!  Still doing something crafty, but the craft was used to minister to others.  I love that idea!  Ever since then I have had the desire to use craft time as a way to teach kids to put others first through various service projects.

Currently, I teach Kids Worship once a month at our church - Fishers Point Community Church.  I do a service project with the children each time I teach.  Through this blog I will share with you the projects we have done.  I would love to hear some of your ideas of how you incorporate service projects at your church, school, home, job, etc. I pray that I can share some ideas to inspire you, your church or family to put Others First.


  1. Yeah! I am so excited to see where God will take this!

  2. Great to see you enter the blogosphere!! I really like that you have the kids do a service project. Little ones need to know that they can contribute to the Kingdom just like everyone else. It was terrific to get in our car and have such a clean windshield :-)
