Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Halloween Outreach

Recently I discovered a great new resource - Children's Ministry Magazine.  In the September/October 2012 issue they shared a Halloween Outreach idea.  I love this idea, so I decided to tweak it a bit and make it my own.  On the Sunday before Halloween our service project will be to make packages of candy (see the pictures below) to give to everyone at church after service. The goal is to have everyone take them home and hand them out to their trick-or-treaters on Halloween. 
I am going to pair this project with a Halloween themed lesson.  You can find many different Halloween lesson ideas from  Children's Ministry Magazine on their website, just follow the link.

This project takes a little prep work, but it doesn't take long.  Follow the steps below.

First, print the message you want on the packages onto regular 8-1/2 x 11 paper. 

Next, cut the paper into two 5-1/2" squares.
Using double sided tape (you can also use staples), tape the long sides together, and close one end.
This is the end of the prep work. 
The next steps will be done by the kids.
Have the kids fill each package with the candy of your choice.

Finally, the kids can use a piece of double sided tape to close the other end.  It should be closed in the opposite direction from the other end.  I don't know what this type of packaging is called, but it always reminds me of the sour cream containers you get in fast food restaurants.
This project shows you CAN use any opportunity to share the love of Jesus!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

I wanted to post this quickly because this project has to be done in the next month.  Many of you may already participate in this, but if not here's the info for you:  Operation Christmas Child

We are collecting items as a church, and then the children will assemble the boxes during Kids Worship on November 11th. We will also ask for donations to cover the cost of shipping. It is a great project to get everyone involved in! If you would like to join us while we pack we could love to have you visit Fishers Point Community Church !

Something exciting Samaritan's Purse added a couple of years ago is the ability to track your boxes. When you pay on-line you can print a bar code label for each box. Those boxes are registered to you and you will get an email telling you where your boxes were sent. The kids loves this! 

Never Say Never

Once again I find myself doing something I said I would NEVER do. The list of things I said I would never do, but have done keeps getting longer somehow! I didn't think there could possibly be anything in my life worth blogging about.  Recently, I felt God prompting me to write this blog. Ok, God!

My goal in life is to be the servant God wants me to be.  I want to inspire others, especially children, to shine in the world around us.  What is the best way to do that?  To be the hands & feet of Jesus!  But, how?

A few years ago I was asked to be the VBS director for our church.  I was excited to take on a new challenge.  As I looked through all the different curriculum options I saw that they all had one thing in common: crafts. While I enjoy being crafty, I really dislike "kids" crafts! I remember one craft in particular from my days in VBS as a child.  We glued uncooked shell noodles onto light switch plates and spray painted them gold.  What was the lesson behind that?  I have no idea!  And that is the problem I have with "kids" crafts.  They are usually just time fillers with no real lesson.

As I looked through the curriculum, one VBS program stood out to me because it had an alternative option to crafts - service projects!  Still doing something crafty, but the craft was used to minister to others.  I love that idea!  Ever since then I have had the desire to use craft time as a way to teach kids to put others first through various service projects.

Currently, I teach Kids Worship once a month at our church - Fishers Point Community Church.  I do a service project with the children each time I teach.  Through this blog I will share with you the projects we have done.  I would love to hear some of your ideas of how you incorporate service projects at your church, school, home, job, etc. I pray that I can share some ideas to inspire you, your church or family to put Others First.